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Journals and References in the Chemistry Department

In addition to the holdings of at the library, the following are available in the Chemistry department.  Some of these were withdrawn from the library’s collection, and therefore no longer appear in the on-line catalog.

Journals and Serials

journal years volumes comments location
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1926 – 1970 1 – 43 microfilm CSC 322a
Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 1972 45 microfilm CSC 322a
Can. J. Chem. 1951 – 1972 29 – 50 microfilm CSC 322a
Chem. Ber. 1929 – 1995 62 – 128 microfilm CSC 322a
Chem. Commun.
   = Chem. Soc. London., Comm.
   = J. Chem. Soc. Lond., Ser D
1965 – 1971 microfilm CSC 322a
Chem. Commun. 1996 – 2001 bound volumes CSC 322a
J. Chem. Soc. London, Ser A 1966 – 1971 microfilm CSC 322a
J. Chem. Soc. London, Ser B 1966 – 1971 microfilm CSC 322a
J. Chem. Soc. London, Ser C 1966 – 1971 microfilm CSC 322a
Leibigs Annallen/Recueil 1992 – 1997 microfilm CSC 322a
serial years volumes series location
Adv. Cat. 1948 – 1969 1 – 20 CSC 301
Ann. Rev. Phys. Chem. 1958 – 1970 9 – 21 CSC 301
Org. Synth. 1936, 1938 16, 18 CSC 301
Org. Synth. 1950 – 1961 30 – 41 CSC 301
Beilstein    – 1959 H – E Ⅵ Library Basement

Reference Works

title authors comments location
Analytical and Instrumental Chem
Hbk of Instrumental Techns for Analyt Chem CSC 305
Reagents and Solutions in Analyt Chem Perlman CSC 305
Hbk of Basic Tables for Chem Analys Bruno et al. CSC 305
Data Analysis for Chemistry Hibbert, Gooding CSC 305
General References
Advanced Excel for scientific data analysis Levie CSC 305
The Kirk-Othmer Encycl. of Chem. Technology 2nd edn. CSC 309
The Laboratory Companion Coyne materials & equipmt CSC 404
The Chemist’s Companion Gordon, Ford handy data CSC 404
Purification of Laboratory Chemicals Armarego, Chai contains much more than the
name implies  
CSC 404
CRC Hbk of Chem and Physics CSC 305
The Merck Index CSC 302,305
Lange’s Hbk of Chem CSC 305
Engineering Mathematics Hbk Tuma CSC 305
Organic Lab Techniques
Theory and Practice in the Organic Lab Landgrebe CSC 301
Techniques in Organic Chemistry Morig CSC 301
Organic Lab Techniques Pavia etal. CSC 301
The Systematic Identification of Organic Cpds Shriner, Fusion CSC 301
Improving Safety in the Chem Lab CSC 305
Hazardous Chemicals Desk Ref Sax, Lewis CSC 305
Safety in Academic Chemistry Laboratories CSC 305
Working Safely with Chemicals in the Lab CSC 305
Your Guide to Proper Glove Selection CSC 305
Pocket Guide to MSDSs & Labels CSC 305
Practical Hbk of Spectroscopy CSC 305
Introduction to Spectroscopy Pavia etal. CSC 301
Structural Determination of Organic Cpds. Pretch spectral data Trujillo
Modern NMR Spectroscopy Sanders, Hunter CSC 301
Spectrometric Identifcn of Orgn CpdsSilverstein, etal. CSC 301
Chemical Dictionary CSC 305
Principles of Technical Writing Hays CSC 305
Style for Students: Effective Writing in Sci and Engr Schall CSC 305
The ACS Style Guide Dodd CSC 305
The Little, Brown Compact Handbook Aaron CSC 305

Journals & Serials    Analytical & Instrumental    General Reference    Handbooks    Organic Lab Techn    Safety    Spectroscopy    Writing