Scripts and Resource files

Over the years, I’ve accumulated a stack of scripts, syntax-highlighting files, LaTeX-templates, and other resources that help me to get things done. These have been posted here on the chance they might be useful to anyone else as well — either in their own right or as an inspiration — as scripts and handy tricks from countless others on the web have provided inspiration for me.

Note that the scripts were primarily written for Mac OsX. Thus, some use commands or call programs which are OsX-specific (eg. open, osascript, Terminal, Preview).

Although documentation is sparse, most all the scripts accept an “-h” flag.

Lastly, a word of thanks to the illustrious Mr. Fromberger, who got me started down the road to shell-scripting perdition, then introduced me to LaTeX. As he has commented, “computers save time like kudzu prevents soil erosion.”

Shell Scripts

Vim Resources



Wilkes-Related — resources and forms

Other Random Bits

Updates and Additions