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eMail Helpers

E-Mail Bits

mutt helpers

    Colors: more coloration of e-mail bits than should be allowed…

    KeyBindings: …and more key-bindings than anyone sane would want.

    Expiration Date adds an expiration date to messages in the inbox.

procmail recipes

    AddressbookMaker adds addresses to a list of local users.

    AutoRespond provides an out-of-office message.

    ClamScanner scans incoming messages for nasties using ClamAV.

    GetFields scrapes various fields from incoming messages, for use in later procmail recipes.

    ICS_Scraper is an awk script that tries to turn Calendar items into something readable.


    GmailCleaner is an expect script that performs weekly housecleaning of my gmail account. It connects to gmail through IMAP and 1) deletes the contents of the Sent Mail and Important folders, 2) moves contents of All Mail into the trash.

    GmailSender is a wrapper script for Muhammad Muquit’s mailsend, which sends mail by SMTP from the command line. GmailSender also allows one to choose between two accounts for the sender.

    mprint: an awk filter that applies enscript’s states highlighting filters to a file containing concatenated e-mail messages.
    Also see below. My additions to Markku Rossi’s rule set for pretty-printing of mail messages through enscript, with states highlighting.
    An sed filter, u2ps_hl, does similar highlighting for u2ps, (or any other printing program that expects ANSI escapes).    (zip file)

    CheckNames reads the header of a draft e-mail message, and checks unqualified and local-domain e-mail addresses, using the id command and the local alias databases.

    Box draws a box around a text-block. The box can be dotted, solid, bold, or user-defined. Horizontal rules, above and below the text, or vertical bars, to the left/right of it, can also be drawn. This script is intended for messages to people who require blinking lights in neon colors (both somewhat difficult to implement in a plain-text message) to attract their attention. The script tries valiantly, but its success still depends on the person reading the message.

    RunMutt is an applescript that allow drag-and-drop opening of mailboxes in a new Terminal window.

    frm displays a mailbox digest, similar to the standard unix from, but in a more readable format. (screenshot)

    malwarecheck checks a mailbox file for ClamAV hits and returns the message numbers so offending messages may be deleted.