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    Courses taught

    Dr. Mencer teaches (or has taught) the following courses at Wilkes University.
    For more information on these, just contact Dr. Mencer.

  • Chemistry 105 Chemistry and Modern Society
  • Chemistry 115 and 113 Elements & Compounds 1st semester General Chemistry lecture and lab
  • Chemistry 116 and 114 The Chemical Reaction 2nd semester General Chemistry lecture and lab
  • Chemistry 118 and 117 Chemistry for Engineers lecture and lab
  • Chemistry 233 1st semester Organic Chem. lab
  • Chemistry 234 2nd semester Organic Chem. lab
  • Chemistry 248 and 246 Analytical Chemistry lecture and Lab
  • Chemistry 244 and 246 Instrumental Analysis lecture and Lab
  • Chemistry 341 and 343 Principles of Instrumental Analysis lecture and lab
  • Chemistry 391 Senior Research I
  • Chemistry 392 Senior Research II
  • Chemistry 395 Independent Research
  • Chemistry 396 Independent Research
  • Chemistry 398 Forensic Chemistry
  • Chemistry 398 Spectroscopy
  • Chemistry 398 Molecular Design, and Self-Assembly, and Nanotechnology




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Don Mencer