Castejon Laboratory
Transport and Phase Phenomena


Elements and Compounds
CHM 115

A one-semester, three-credit, freshman-level class required for chemistry, biochemistry and pharmaceutical majors. The course covers atomic structure, periodic properties, stoichiometry and reactivity. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation per week.

The Chemical Reaction
CHM 116

A one-semester, three-credit, freshman-level class required for chemistry, biochemistry and pharmaceutical majors. The course presents a detailed study of chemical equilibrium in aqueous solutions and principles of thermodynamics. Three hours of lecture and one hour of recitation per week.

Physical Chemistry I and II
CHM 351 / 352

A two-semester, six-credit, junior-level, course sequence required for chemistry and biochemistry majors. The first component covers quantum mechanics and spectroscopy whereas the second one covers chemical kinetics and thermodynamics.

Molecular Spectroscopy
CHM 398

A one-semester, three-credit, topics course for chemistry and biochemistry majors. The course covers the quantum mechanical foundations of the common spectroscopic techniques and some of their applications in chemistry and physics.

Statistical Mechanics
CHM 398

A one-semester, three-credit, topics course for chemistry and biochemistry majors. The course covers the foundations of statistical mechanics including ensembles, partition functions and distribution functions.

Computational and Numerical Methods
CHM 398

A one-semester, three-credit, topics course for science and engineering majors. The content includes the basis of numerical techniques, their computer implementation and application to scientific and engineering problems.